Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Standing For Something"

Recently, I've been reading this amazing book by President Gordon B. Hinckley.  His book is titled, "Standing for Something:  10 Neglected Virtures That Will Heal Our Hearts And Homes".  I have only read the first 17 pages, but already I have found amazing quotes that will change lives forever. 

In the Introduction, President Hinckley touches on National Government issues.  He quotes Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, in which she says, "You use the name of Deity in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States, and yet you cannot use it in the schoolroom." Ouch . . . wow if that's not a diss on our country then I don't know what is. 
This is terrible.  I agree wholeheartedly with the Prime Minister.  When I am a Spanish teacher, I will have my kids say the Pledge of Allegiance, un-edited, en espanol, decir "por Dios".  God is in everything and it's sad how some people don't realize it. 

"People who carry in their hearts a strong conviction concerning the living reality of the Almighty and their accountability to Him for what they do with their lives are far less likely to become enmeshed in problems that inevitably weaken society."  This is a quote from President Hinckley himself and I find hope in this statement. If everyone turns towards God, all of the worlds problems will become easier to solve and then maybe the dream of peace on earth will be obtainable. 

This next statistic freaks me out . . . "Between 1972 and 1990, there were 27 million abortion procedures performed in the United States." He goes on to say, "In one community, a proposal was made that young woman be paid a dollar a day for not becoming pregnant."  What?! Seriously?! This is the lowest of the low of morality in today's society. 

"With a general acknowledgment of the God in whom we put our trust, we may expect a diminution in our social problems, an increase in public and private morality, and a renewed sense of freedom and liberty."  See? There is a way to fix this!!

Chapter 1 of this book is all about Love. 
Love for yourself, love for your spouse, love for your children, and love for all mankind. 

" Love is not an investment, it is an adventure."  I think this is Moydie and my philosophy, I feel like everyday is a falling-deeper- into-love-adventure. 

"If the world is to be improved, the process of love must make a change in the hearts of humans.  It can do so when we look beyond self to give our love to God and others, and do so with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds."  Here's another way to solve the world's problems from our beloved prophet's voice. 

At the end of the first chapter, Pres. Hinckley compares Love with the North Star.  The North Star is fixed and never varies from it's positioned spot.  So is how Love works.  To me, I feel as if Love is the only stable and sure thing in my life.  Whenever I feel like nothing is going my way, or the way I feel it should, I always know that Moydie loves me, that my family loves me, and that God loves me unconditionally. 

This book has much wisdom in it and I exhort you to read it today!

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