Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moydie Took Me To LLAMA FEST!!!!!

When I first started camping with Moydie and the gang in the summer of 2010, I would always notice Moydie's Llama Fest shirt . . .

One thing you have to know about me is I'm obsessed with llamas.
Yep, when I was about 10, my grandma took me to the Hogle Zoo and I bought a cute stuffed llama because it's eyes were just beckoning me to.  It is so cute and fluffy!  (I still have it on our bed in our apartment)
So I don't really know how my obsession got started, but it did and I love it.
When Moydie first told me about Llama Fest, I naturally wanted to go, not only because there were llamas, but because Moydie had gone which automatically makes it super cool.  We couldn't last year because we were one month away from our wedding so guess what?!
 Llama Fest takes place at the Hare Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, UT where the Festival of Colors is.

It was so much fun and the llamas were sooo cute!!! They even had two baby llamas that were barely 3 months old!!
 Here's a picture of both of them with one of their moms
 This one's my favorite!! Isn't she soo super stinkin' cute?! Her name was Nacha.
During the llama judging I was raving to Moydie about how cute the llamas were when all of a sudden, this boy in front of me (probably about 11) turns around and says, "I know, aren't they all so cute?! I want them all!!"
What?! This kid was just as obsessed as I was!!! Awesome!!
Here's a picture of the back of that kid's head . . . he's on the left with the light brown shirt :)
 Moydie's sister Bug came with us too!
Moydie and I even got matching Llama Fest T-shirts!! (Bug got one, too!!)
I'm officially making this festival an annual one for Moydie and I to go to because I loved every single moment of it!!! Thanks Moydie for taking me!

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