Monday, June 4, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

For Memorial Day this year, we went up to Moydie's family's cabin!! It was gorgeous weather and we had a lot of fun chatting, taking rides on the four wheeler, knocking down dead trees . . . oh yes, we even found a poor chipmunk plastered to the wall of a shed dead because his head got stuck in between the logs!! Can you believe that?! I absolutely screamed when I saw that! Anyways, the big event of the day was the bonfire . . .


Yeah . . . this is a picture of a few minutes after it starting going . . . 

This is a picture of Moydie getting ready to light it . . . Moydie's mom was very nervous about this since there was a slight wind and the fire danger was HIGH that day.  After she voiced her opinion, I started to get a bit nervous . . . then after it started, everyone got nervous as bits of old prescriptions caught on fire and then blew with the wind.  

Here's Moydie way up on the hill watching to make sure no burning prescriptions start burning the forest.  I believe he only had to stomp out one and the forest is still safe and green to this day!

Here's us after the crazy bonfire died down to a big pile of ash.  We look happy and relieved, wouldn't ya say? :)

1 comment:

  1. "we even found a poor chipmunk plastered to the wall of a shed dead because his head got stuck in between the logs!!"

    I laughed out loud when I read this, and everyone in the library gave me these awkward glances. Thanks for nothing!
